Really thankful for the hard work and dedication of all members and alumni of the lab over the years. Sincere gratitude also to ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) for the recognition as an ASME Rising Star in Mechanical Engineering. It was really fun to present a poster again as a faculty member and to meet so many of my friends and peers in IMECE 2024!
Our lab attained new milestones! Drs. Haoyuan Shi and Tianjiao Li successfully defended their theses and are the lab's inaugural batch of PhD students to graduate. Congratulations Dr. Shi and Dr. Li! This is a historical moment for our lab and it was definitely hard to imagine this day when we first started out in 2020. Our lab's amazing progress was built on intrepid pioneers such as Haoyuan and Tianjiao. Many thanks to their minor committee members and the staunch support of Cornell's Sibley School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. Congratulations to all the MS and UG students graduating this year as well! I am so proud of each and everyone of you. You have all contributed to the growth and success of the lab in deeply meaningful ways.
The J² lab is honored and deeply grateful to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for their continued support of the lab through the NSF CAREER award. The NSF's most prestigious award support "early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization". Read more about it on Cornell Chronicle and on Cornell Engineering News.
We will probe the nanomechanics of mucus-bacteria interactions, guide new mucoadhesive and mucopenetrative biomaterials for treating gut disorders, and engineer new generations of living materials. We will also develop and teach innovative curricula to bridge pathways towards interdisciplinary graduate education for future leaders in engineering.
Just released from the NSF ERVA Community: Engineering Materials for a Sustainable Future. The report is available HERE. Prof. Yeo appreciates the opportunity to shape this report as one of the participants. This Engineering Research Visioning Alliance (ERVA) report is timely and critical. To accelerate progress against the threat of climate change, both the virtual and real space of materials design must be harnessed and integrated cohesively to develop interdisciplinary and visionary solutions. The report details specific efforts in this realm and the enormous potential of sustainable materials design.
It was my distinct honor and privilege to receive the highest award for teaching in Cornell's College of Engineering, the Dennis G. Shepherd Excellence in Teaching Award. Prof. Shepherd was a WWII hero and engineer, as well as one of the most notable teachers of hashtag#engineering at Cornell University. I hope to live up to his memory and I am so thankful for the incredible support of Cornell MAE and the College of Engineering.
The J² Lab is extremely excited to be part of this cross-disciplinary effort to fundamentally re-think, re-shape, re-direct, and accelerate emergent technical capabilities in materials research and development towards more environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable materials-based products and materials-driven outcomes. The official press release can be found HERE.
Read more about the project from our press releases:
Cornell Chronicle
MIT News (1)
MIT News (2)
Swansea University
The J² Lab is extremely excited to be applying advanced multiscale cell models to simulate the biomechanics of mechanically adaptive living materials and engineer these materials with the incredible interdisciplinary Cornellian team of Christopher Hernandez, David Erickson, Sara C. Bronin, and the Montana State University team of Chelsea Heveran and Kirsten Matteson!
The Officers of the Society For Biomaterials Tissue Engineering Special Interest Group awarded Haoyuan with the Tissue Engineering SIG
Student Poster Competition Awards for the 2022 Society for Biomaterials Meeting!
Liming's poster is available here as well:
The J2 Lab is proudly represented at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting 2022 by our young scientists,
Liming Zhao and Haoyuan Shi! They presented two posters, respectively:
805 Two Distinct Local Structures with Different Mechanical Characteristics in
Osteogenesis Imperfecta-related Gly Substitutions Type I Collagen
835 Molecular Mechanisms of a Thermo- and Ion-responsive Silk- elastin-like Protein
Looking forward to next year!
Click here for details!
Deadline is 10th May 2022. Come engineer bleeding-edge living materials with the Cornell Engineered Living Materials Institute!
Work with faculty affiliates that include Prof. Yeo and pursue research aligned with ELMI objectives.
Hearty congratulations to:
Haoyuan Shi for the Cornell Center for Materials Research Symposium – Best Poster Award
Isuru Herath for the Cornell University Biomedical Informatics Club Symposium – Best Presentation Award
The J2 Lab also received an NSF XSEDE supercomputing grant to kick off a great start to the new academic year!
In Season 2, Episode 10 of the Martlets Society's monthly webinar, Prof. Yeo presented on
"Towards Multiscale Computational Design of Bio-Inspired Smart Materials".
In EASF's third season, Prof. Yeo moderated a session of the EASF webinar on (02/28/2021) with a very exciting slate of speakers
touching on important topics in molecular understanding of material properties.
The J2 Lab's collaborative grant with Cornell MAE Profs. Nikolaos Bouklas (PI) and Nelly Andarawis-Puri (co-PI) is
awarded by NSF!
The J2 Lab's collaborative seed grant with Prof. Wenwen Huang is featured by Zhejiang University in both
Chinese and
Delighted and grateful to the Cornell China Center and Zhejiang University for
seeding our inter-university,
new PI collaboration with Prof. Wenwen Huang to work towards our research group's vision of
Engineering Living Materials. This is our group's very first grant and it will start us off on an excellent footing.
We are also very thankful for the hard work and excellent comments from the reviewers.
Prof. Yeo is highlighted as the
Journal of Material Chemistry B's Emerging Investigators for 2020.
Together with our group's young budding scientists, Chenxi Zhai, Tianjiao Li, and Haoyuan Shi,
we review the discovery and design of next-generation bio-inspired materials by harnessing the virtual space in
materials design: materials omics (materiomics), materials informatics, computational modelling and simulations,
artificial intelligence (AI), and bigdata. This is critical as materials chemistry is at the forefront of the global
“Fourth Industrial Revolution”, in part by establishing a “Materials 4.0” paradigm. A key aspect of this paradigm is
developing methods to effectively integrate hardware, software, and biological systems.
In collaboration with chemists and engineers from MIT,
Prof. Yeo co-authored
a recent paper in Advanced Functional Materials
on a roll‐to‐roll (R2R) transfer technique to improve the electrical properties of transferred graphene on
flexible substrates using parylene as an interfacial layer.
Challenges make opportunities. The COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably changed the methods of education globally.
In this backdrop, the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences is launching a new journal,
STEM Education (STEME),
that demonstrates our passion and enthusiasm for sharing and promoting innovation and excellence in
STEM education research and practices to enhance the future of STEM education globally.
STEME is a forum for dissemination and debate via original research into STEM education by, and for,
an international community of STEM education scholars, practitioners and policy-makers at all levels.
In my capacity as one of the Editor-in-Chiefs of STEME, I cordially invite your submission.
In collaboration with chemists and engineers from Harbin Engineering University and Northeast Forestry University,
Prof. Yeo co-authored
a recent paper in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
on high capacity anodes for sodium storage using carbon derived from nature's
exceptional material, wood.
This week, Prof. Yeo is Spotlight-ed by Cornell Engineering
Read about Prof. Yeo's academic journey!
Delighted to meet some of the undergrads and faculties from Cornell's MAE in our inaugural Mentorship Mixer.
We shared some of our experiences on approaching faculty members, job interviews, and job searches.
Equally happy to know that MAE has such a wonderful space for active learning!
During the 23rd to 26th of Jan 2020, Prof. Yeo was in Lawrence, MA, to attend an amazing program organised by
the inaugural Pedagogy Workshop: Co-creating the Future Through Socially-Directed Science and Technology sponsored by
and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's J-WEL.
Prof. Yeo learnt many useful and directly applicable pedagogical
concepts to engage students in both big and small classes, as well as across disciplines.
Prof. Yeo is grateful to all the facilitators and attendees for all the excellent advice, insights, and discussions.
So excited to be back at Station1
in Boston and Lawrence, MA, with all the founders and instructors!
Together with participants from all over the world, we will be exploring
Co-Creating the Future Through Socially-Directed Science and Technology over the next few days
in the Pedagogy Workshop conducted by Station1.
Applications for the Summer 2020 Station1 Frontiers Fellowship is open till 1st February 2020,
For full details, please refer to the advertisement posted here.
The J2 Lab for Engineering Living Materials in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
at Cornell University invites applications for one Postdoctoral Research position, slated to begin in January 2020.
Welcome to the official website of the J2 Lab
We are hiring postdocs and graduate students!

Stay tuned, more details coming soon.