Our lab focuses on a single, complex issue: the rapid aging of the global human population.
The United Nations estimates that by 2020, the number of people under the age of 5 will be
outnumbered by those over 65.
The World Health Organization projects that rapid global aging will severely exacerbate the
burden of noncommunicable diseases for populations who can least afford treatments.
Therefore, humanity urgently needs to dramatically improve the prevention and treatment of these diseases,
especially by developing soft, adaptive, and responsive biomaterials at a low cost
for drugs or drug delivery vehicles with specific targeting mechanisms,
environmentally sensitive implants for tissue engineering, or for dynamic health monitoring.
We will achieve this vision through interdisciplinary studies of material and biological
phenomena by advancing multiscale, multi-physics computational methods and simulations.
We aim to characterize and predict the mechanical, chemical, optical, and electrical structure-function relationships
of polymers, bio-polymers, and bio-inspired materials of various morphologies.
With additional techniques from machine learning and computational biology, we investigate
phenomena related to the human microbiome as a living material for engineering purposes.
Through our research, we will propel the development of dynamically-responsive, living materials and
design synthetic biological platforms for engineering and medical applications.
Prof. Jingjie Yeo is an assistant professor in Cornell University’s Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He is the Principal Investigator at the J² Lab for Engineering Living Materials. The overarching goal of his research program is to lead advances in computationally designing and characterizing environmentally sustainable materials, with a focus on bacteria-based engineered living materials (ELMs) and the biopolymers that they produce. He is also a co-instructor in Station1, a social nonprofit organization dedicated to building the foundations of the university of the future through educational opportunity and socially-directed frontier STEM education, research, and internships. Prof. Jingjie Yeo is the recipient of multiple awards, including the NSF's most prestigious award, the NSF CAREER award in 2024, and the highest teaching award in Cornell's College of Engineering, the Dennis G. Shepherd Excellence in Teaching Award in 2023. Before joining Cornell University in 2020, Prof. Yeo was a research scientist in the Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore where he helped develop cutting-edge, silk-based cosmeceuticals. Prior, he was a postdoc at both Tufts University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he developed and performed numerous multiscale simulations with density functional theory and fully-atomistic to coarse-grained molecular dynamics modeling on a broad variety of biomaterials such as squid skin, silk and silk-elastin-like proteins, and graphene. He received both his Ph.D. and his B.Eng. degrees from the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
Awards and Honors
2024: PI: NSF CAREER Award #2338518 “CAREER: Nanomechanics of Bacterial Mucoadhesion and Growth on Healthy and Diseased Human Gut Mucus”. Featured on: Cornell Chronicle and Cornell Engineering News.
2023: Recipient of the highest teaching award in Cornell's College of Engineering, the Dennis G. Shepherd Excellence in Teaching Award. Featured on: Cornell Engineering News and Cornell Engineering List of Awardees.
2022: Co-PI: NSF Convergence Accelerator Award #2236190 "NSF Convergence AcceleratorTrack I: Mind over Matter: Socioresilient Materials Design: A New Paradigm For Addressing Global Challenges in Sustainability"
2022: PI: NSF EFRI ELiS Award #2223785 “EFRI ELiS: Mechanically Adaptive Living Structural Materials”
2021 - 2023: PI: NSF XSEDE Award #BIO210063 “Mitigating aging-related disorders by innovating and characterizing bio-polymeric, dynamically responsive materials”
2020: Emerging Investigators – RSC ChemComm
2020: Co-PI: NSF BMMB Award #2038057 “A Multiscale Investigation of Fatigue Induced Damage Progression in Tendon”
2020: PI: Cornell China Center ZJU-Cornell Joint Seed Fund “Multistimuli-responsive silk-elastin-like protein hydrogels for dynamic biomaterials”
2020: Emerging Investigators – RSC Journal of Materials Chemistry B
2016: Most Inventive Business Idea (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Innovation@ONE
Boot Camp and Business Plan Pitch).
Featured on: MIT News.
2016: Best Industry Project Award (Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore)
2016: Postdoctoral Fellowship (A*STAR Graduate Academy, Singapore)
2010: Graduate Scholarship (A*STAR Graduate Academy, Singapore)
Editorial Positions
2024 - now: Editorial Board Member, International Journal of AI for Materials and Design
2023 - now: Editorial Board Member, Nonlinear Engineering
2023 - now: Section Editor, STEM Education, the official journal for STEM education of the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
2020 - 2022: Editor-in-Chief, STEM Education, the official journal for STEM education of the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
2019 - now: Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Applied Mechanics
2018: Early Career Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering.
Featured on: ACS Axial
2017 - now: Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering